Due to aging, sun damage, smoking, etc., our skin and subcutaneous tissues become thinner, dryer, lose elasticity and, as a result, wrinkles, sagging, decrease in vascular structures and staining occur. Apart from these, as a result of the decrease in subcutaneous fat tissue, volume loss occurs on the face, and as a result, collapses and occasional pits develop on the face.

Stem Cell Therapy

Stem cell therapy has meaning in repairing all these disorders. The development of new vascularization in the skin and subcutaneous tissues and the increase in cellular activity bring vitality and blood supply to the tissue, while the increase in the number of fibrocyte cells and their provision of collagen causes thickening of the skin. It is also known that the growth hormone secreted by stem cells has an effect on this effect.

The direct transformation of stem cells into fat cells thickens the subcutaneous fat tissue and provides facial volume increase. In cases where the volume loss in the face is high, especially in cases where there are depressions under the eyes, small cheekbones, deepening on the sides of the lips (nasolabial groove) and small chin, when stem cell treatments are used together with fat injection treatment, the success of the procedure and the permanence of the fat tissue are doubled. Stem cell therapy should not be confused or compared with PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) therapy. Such effects are not expected in PRP treatments.