Laser is a single type of light produced very quickly. Many laser epilation devices produce beams of different colors and wavelengths. For this reason, the effect of each laser is not the same. They are used in different areas. Even the types of laser used for the same procedure have changed over the years. Optimum light and advanced technology are required for successful results. In our center, two separate laser systems are used under the supervision of an Aesthetic Plastic Surgery specialist.

Why ND YAG Laser in Laser Epilation?
ND YAG LASER is the type of laser that can affect the deepest hairs. Therefore, even areas with deep hair such as legs and back are treated perfectly. Many laser types fail in areas such as the chin, back and legs because they do not go to sufficient depth. The advantage of Nd Yag laser is that it can penetrate up to 7 mm deep into the skin and directly destroy the hair follicle. It is the safest laser that can be used on dark and tanned skin. Pain sensation is minimized with the advanced cooling system integrated into the device. The possibility of burns and stains is minimal. It eliminates hair while protecting the skin to the maximum. Maximum results are expected in 4 or 5 sessions.
The following are done with two separate laser systems in our center:

  • Laser hair removal
  • Sunspot removal
  • Facial rejuvenation-Skin tightening
  • Varicose Vein treatment
  • Acne-Pimple treatment
  • Elimination of red spots on the face

Since it is not legally possible, prices for the applications are not stated on our site, for this you can contact us through the contact page.

Epilation with Laser and Intense Pulsed Light is an advanced practice in eliminating and/or long-term removal of unwanted hair on the body. The success rate and duration of the laser epilation method in removing hairs depends on the brownness of the person's skin, sensitivity to tanning, the thickness or thinness of the hairs, the depth of the roots and the color of the hairs.

No procedure that destroys the hair follicles (such as waxing or removing them with tweezers or an epilator) should be done on the area where Laser Epilation will be applied, at least three weeks before.

Application Method and Frequency
After a few weeks, the hair in the treated area will be partially or completely shed (the same success should not be expected for every person and every region). A few weeks later, hair growth begins in the same areas again, and a second session can be applied during this period. It is expected that hair will grow back in the same area.

Only hair follicles with hair on them are affected in the applied area. Follicles that are in the regression and rest period and do not have hair on them are not damaged by this application. In the later period, when these follicles become active and enter the hair-growing period again, the area grows hair again. For this reason, it is applied to the same area in repetitive sessions. These application intervals vary by region and are generally 1 to 2 months. During these periods, tanning in the sea or in a solarium is not preferred.

While world literature gives average results of successful laser applications, it does not report that 100/100 of the hairs are completely eliminated. This success rate varies even in different parts of the same person. For this reason, the number of application sessions varies depending on the region. For example, although it is not a rule, 4-8 sessions are recommended for the armpits, but this number can be increased for thin hairy arms. White and very light colored hairs are not affected.

Today, laser and intense pulsed light devices, which are created with light obtained from various sources, are used in practice for epilation. Different types of epilation devices are available in various centers. Since these devices are effective with the wavelength of the light they use and have their own feature of being held at the target point, devices that carry wavelengths that are retained in the hairs and affect the hairs are used for epilation. As these devices develop day by day, it is desired to shorten the application time by expanding the radiation area (both patients and doctors desire this, but this is not possible at the same rate in every laser type - due to physical rules). In addition, the devices are provided with ease of use and control is increased through the computer system.

Laser Treatment WITH Nd Yg Laser
In our clinic, both Nd Yag Laser and intense pulsed light device are used for epilation purposes. These two devices with advanced technology are considered the two best devices in the world that complement each other when necessary. The advanced technology General Project epilation device with Intense Beam Pulse is used and both devices are CE and American FDA approved (this approval is not hair reduction, but hair removal approval). NdYag laser, which is the most safely used laser type on dark-skinned and tanned people, can be applied safely in the summer months. That's why it is called a four-season epilation device.

The energy given by the beam penetrates deep into the skin.It causes damage to the hair follicle, so hair cannot be grown. In cases where the damage to the root is insufficient, it may be possible to grow hair from these areas after a long time. The Nd Yag laser used in our clinic is the type of laser that affects the deepest part of the skin and thus is the most effective laser for deep hair.

Especially in young people, there is a possibility of re-growth of hair after years in the treated areas by the activation of follicles that have never been activated before (for example: hair growth or proliferation on the back of men in later ages, hair growth in women after menopause).

These rays are not radioactive and have no effect on the milk and sweat glands.

The color of people's skin and their browning characteristics are taken into consideration. Despite this, with the energy given, heating not only in the hair but also in the skin itself and therefore some changes, although rare, can be expected. These are simply a feeling of redness and burning on the skin that may last for a few hours or a few days. Additionally, superficial fluid accumulation, superficial burns, hypo- or hyperpigmentation areas (whitened or browned areas) may occur on the skin, and these usually disappear within a few weeks to a few months. Especially in dark-skinned people, the possibility of skin damage is high. In this case, the Nd Yag device that best protects the skin should be used. Since Nd Yag Laser cannot be retained in the melanin layer, which gives the dark color of the skin, it is less likely to cause damage.