BOTILINUM toxin, which is used to eliminate unwanted lines on the face, creates a neuromuscular blockade in the muscle to which it is applied. It works by weakening the strength of the muscles that cause the formation of unwanted lines. It has nothing to do with snake venom as misinformed.

Botox Application

It is used to eliminate wrinkles caused by facial expressions. By restricting movement in the selected muscles, the formation of wrinkles on the skin of the area is prevented. It is most commonly used to eliminate wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet), between the eyebrows, and in the forehead area. It is a simple but very effective method performed with a needle. Its effect ends within 3-4 months. It can be used for eyebrow lifting if desired. Although it is a temporary method, very successful results are obtained in conscious hands that choose the appropriate areas.

What are the areas where Botox applications are frequently used?

  • Wrinkles in the forehead area
  • Wrinkles between the eyebrows (frown lines)
  • Wrinkles around the eyes (crow's feet)
  • Wrinkles under the eyes (jelly roll)
  • Wrinkles (barcode lines) on the upper lip
  • Wrinkles around the mouth (marionette lines)
  • Wrinkles on the chin
  • Wrinkles in the neck area

What should be considered in Botox applications?

Since Botox application is a medical practice, it should be performed by experts, its side effects should be well known, and therefore only the selected muscle should be targeted. It is not right to apply Botox to every wrinkle on the face. It may be necessary to treat some wrinkles and lines with other methods.

Can Botox be used to prevent sweating?

We use Botox very successfully, especially for sweating in the armpits, hands and feet. Sweating in the palms can be eliminated by small injections into the palm, and armpit sweating can be eliminated by injections into the armpit. When this method is applied, people really get rid of sweating complaints during the summer. With injections made into the feet, the problem of socks getting wet and not being able to wear shoes is eliminated.

Can Botox be used to reduce migraine and other pains?

Botox injection has been applied for the treatment of migraine disease, which causes unbearable headaches in many patients, and patients do not experience pain for 3-4 months. It is accepted that the elimination of muscle spasms that cause the onset of migraine is effective in this. This also allows patients to eliminate wrinkles on the forehead and around the eyes. It is widely used by both neurologists and plastic surgeons to reduce neck pain and reduce and eliminate goose spasms.

Botox is also used in a different area, in an area that many people do not use or know about, to relieve the discomfort caused by masticatory muscle spasm and contraction of the chewing muscles. It is used very successfully, especially in eliminating the disorder called teeth grinding at night, in eliminating tooth wear, in extreme muscle stiffness, and in relieving jaw joint pain.

Filler Application

It is used to fill permanent and deepened lines or hollows on the face, to eliminate lines on the neck and also to thicken lips. There are various fillers, the most commonly used filler is synthetically produced forms of Hyaluronic Acid or its derivatives, which is a naturally occurring building block in the body. They generally last 8-12 months. It is in gel form and applied by injection into the skin. The process takes about 5-10 minutes. It is most commonly applied to the edges of the lips, cheeks, forehead, between the eyebrows and neck.

These fillers have forms prepared for lip thickening. They are widely used to thicken or shape lips. In order to achieve a natural and desired lip appearance, it is possible to take breaks during the application to check. The desired result is achieved immediately after application. It does not affect lip movements and lip sensation. Surgical methods such as fat injection or tissue filling can also be used to thicken lips. A significant part of the fat tissue transferred with fat injection disappears within a few months. Tissue transfer provides permanent results.

Where are filler applications used?

  • Nasolabial groove filling (lines extending from the edge of the nose to the edge of the lip)
  • Detention (light filling)
  • Nose filler
  • zygomatic filling
  • Cheek filling
  • Chin filler
  • Forehead filler
  • Eyebrow filler

Which material is used in filling applications?

The most used filler today is hyaluronic acid filler. It is a substance that is simple to apply and gives good results. We do it frequently, especially for nose and lip lines or for lip thickening.

How long do filler applications last?

The lifespan of filler applications is approximately 8-10 months. Although this period may be slightly longer for some special fillers, I can say that they remain on the face for approximately 8-10 months.

Which region do you use it most and how long should you wait for reapplication?

Lip filling procedures are a very successful method for the lips and are one of our frequently preferred methods. It is possible to thicken the lips. If the person is not satisfied after this application and says or thinks so, the desired fullness can be achieved with a new application after 1-2 weeks.