What is Breast Aesthetics and What Are Its Types?

Although breast aesthetics is mostly a women's area of interest, it is not actually only a women's problem. Many men also complain about breast size. This breast enlargement problem in men is called Gynecomastia. However, under this heading, I will touch on women's breast problems. You will find the subject of gynecomastia under a separate heading.

It would not be wrong to say that breast structure, growth and shaping are structural characteristics of women. For this reason, unpleasant shapes in the breast structure appear as a situation that mainly affects the structural feature of femininity. Developments such as the size, smallness, shape, hardness and firmness of the breasts can all be aesthetic problems. In fact, the concept of ideal breast size may vary depending on individuals and even countries and social structure. Even the same person may have different desires at different ages.

Breast structure can cause aesthetic problems as well as physiological problems. For example, breast enlargement is frequently encountered due to reasons such as back, neck pain and hunchback. Women request breast aesthetic procedures sometimes to correct their innate shapes, and sometimes because they consider the changes in the breasts over time as signs of aging.

You can find information and videos about breast augmentation - breast enlargement (silicone surgery), breast reduction - breast reduction surgery and breast lift surgery below.

Breast Augmentation Aesthetics

Why is breast enlargement surgery necessary?

Breasts are organs that are considered symbols of women. These structural defects disturb women greatly. Failure to develop breasts, or being too large or saggy causes psychological distress in women, and women often want to correct these problems. They are right about this too. Many men, their wives, their friends, and the people around them think that they are fixing these things for themselves. However, women; In fact, they get these done to improve their appearance and feel good.

  • Disproportion in body lines (hip-waist-chest ratio)
  • Correcting the loss of breast volume after pregnancy
  • To equalize breast sizes (most women's breasts are not symmetrical. If the difference is very obvious, the smaller breast must be enlarged)
  • Reconstructing the breast (after breast cancer surgery) are the main reasons for breast augmentation surgery.

At what age can breast augmentation surgery be performed?

Situations where breast development is inadequate occur at a very early age. After the age of 17-18, we should not expect the breasts to grow or develop further in a woman who has completed her normal hormonal development. After this age, if the breast has not reached a sufficient maturity, breast augmentation surgeries can be performed. There is no upper limit to this. Breast augmentation surgery can be performed until very old ages.

What are the types of silicone prostheses used in breast augmentation surgery?

Among the methods we use in breast augmentation surgery, the most suitable and most frequently performed breast prosthesis application is. It is known as silicone prosthesis application. Because these prostheses are usually made of silicone. The round breast prostheses we use are; But in recent years, we have also been using drop-shaped breast prostheses. Round, with a rough surface on the outside; It is a prosthesis filled with silicone gel. The other is a drop denture, which is a form of prosthesis that is thinner on the upper side and fuller on the lower side. These are prostheses developed to make the lower part of the breast appear fuller and the upper part thinner, to make it look more natural. We recommend drop dentures especially to thin people, especially young girls; However, we often use round prostheses in people who have a wide shoulder width, are overweight, and have some breast tissue.

The place of fatty tissue filler in breast augmentation

Advances in the field of fat tissue transfer in recent years have significantly increased the applications of fat injection in the field of aesthetic surgery. Just as fat injection is performed on the face and butt areas for filling purposes, fat filling can also be applied to the breasts for enlargement purposes.

Fat filling to the breasts is sometimes done together with a silicone prosthesis, sometimes alone for plumping purposes, and sometimes only for shaping purposes. We make more use of fat injection for correction in women whose breast shape has been distorted or whose breast has been completely removed due to breast cancer treatment.

In order to preserve the viability of the cells from the abdomen or leg area, the fat tissue taken by a special liposuction method is separated and placed in the breast as an injection. The viability of fat cells can be maximized by performing liposuction with the method called Water-Jet Assisted Liposuction. The purpose of such applications is to increase the permanence of fat tissue. As with applications to all body parts, fat tissue injection can be repeated when necessary.

Can I breastfeed my baby after breast augmentation surgery? Does it prevent breastfeeding?

There is no age limit for breast prosthesis application. In other words, it can be diagnosed at a very early age. The questions people ask us for women who have breast prosthesis implanted at a very early age are concerns such as, "Will I be able to breastfeed my child if I give birth in the future?" and "Do I need to remove the silicone prosthesis?" There is no need for such a thing. Women with breast prosthesis can breastfeed and give birth very easily. Because we place the breast prosthesis under the breast tissue and even under the muscle underneath it. Therefore, the breast prosthesis touches neither the breast tissue nor the mammary glands. In this surgery, those tissues are not touched at all. Since it is at the bottom, they can breastfeed very comfortably.

What is the lifespan of silicones?

Many women wonder how long they can wear their breast prosthesis. There is no specific limit for carrying these breast prostheses. There is a general belief that it is around 15 years, but I know many patients who have had breast prostheses for more than that. There are also people I operated on. I didn't see them having any problems. I think these can be carried for many years.

Which area do you perform surgery on?

One of the things that women are most curious about in breast enlargement is which way it will be placed under the breast. They are wondering whether they can have this done from the nipple, the submammary sac, or the armpit. Of course, only the doctor can decide this. If it is suitable, the structure can be done in all three ways, but in some people it is necessary to do it from under the breast or from the nipple. If the tissues here need to be corrected and shaped, of course this cannot be done from the armpit; But if it is a breast that is not a problem, we can use all three ways.

When can I return to normal life after breast augmentation surgery?

A person can resume his/her old social life a few days after breast augmentation surgery. It does not have any side effects and continues to be applied to thousands of women.

Anesthesia is applied in these breast aesthetic applications. The procedures continue and end between half an hour and 1 hour.

Breast Reduction Surgery

Why is breast reduction surgery necessary?

I would like to explain why breast reduction surgery is necessary for women. Breast size disturbs women not only aesthetically but also physiologically. Large breasts cause weight on the spine, neck and shoulders, and this weight causes disorders in the neck bones. Likewise, it causes difficulty in finding comfortable clothes and experiencing lower body upper body discrepancy. For this reason, breast reduction surgery is a necessary procedure for women not only from an aesthetic perspective, but also from a physiological perspective.

At what age can breast reduction surgery be performed?

Breast reduction surgeries can be performed at any age. There is no specific age limit, but there may be some breastfeeding problems after extreme augmentation surgeries.

Will there be any scars after breast reduction surgery?

Of course, some unwanted scars will occur on the breast after breast reduction surgery. In recent years, we have preferred surgical methods that have been developed to leave minimal scars in breast reduction surgeries. If the person's structure is suitable, surgeries are performed with minimal scarring.

When can I return to normal life after breast reduction surgery?

After breast reduction surgery, a work stoppage of approximately 5-6 days may be required. After all, breast reduction surgery is a major surgery that takes a few hours, and we often say that after this surgery, after a few dressings, people can swim or go on vacation within 15 days. In breast reduction surgeries, fat tissue and breast tissue are removed from the breast together. In cases where there is a lot of fat tissue, if there is not much sagging, there are also breast reduction surgeries and methods by removing only the fat tissue without cutting or leaving a scar on the skin. These methods are also frequently used, but if there is sagging breast, of course, breast lift will also be required at the same time.

Breast Lift Surgery (Sagging Breast Lift)

Why is sagging breast lift surgery necessary?

In addition to problems such as enlargement and reduction of the breasts, which are the symbol of femininity in the female body, there is also a procedure called lifting. This is a surgery performed to eliminate sagging of the breast and provide an upright and fresh appearance in cases where the breast volume is sufficient.

Is silicone necessary in breast lift surgery?

In this surgery, breast tissue is not removed or a silicone prosthesis is not needed if the breast tissue is sufficient. However, if the breast tissue is insufficient, the breast must be reinforced and lifted, sometimes with a small silicone prosthesis, along with a breast lift.

Does breast lift surgery leave any scars?

In breast lift surgeries, a small scar is expected depending on the method we use. This scar usually occurs under the breast. Since the scar under this breast remains inside the bra, we do not leave a scar in the area seen in the patients.

Does breast lift surgery prevent breastfeeding?

Mammary glands, mammary glands and milk ducts are not damaged in breast lift surgeries. These patients can easily breastfeed their children after giving birth. This method is a method that does not damage the breast tissue, as in breast reduction surgery. During breast reduction surgeries, some tissues, milk tissue and breast tissue may be damaged; However, there is no such risk in breast lift surgery.

At what age can breast lift surgery be performed?

There is no specific age for breast lift surgery. Sometimes, severe breast sagging can occur at a very early age, even in young girls, before marriage. There is no harm in correcting this breast sagging with the breast lift method. They do not experience any problems such as breastfeeding during the subsequent marriage period.

Breast sagging surgery and corrective surgery are performed even at very advanced ages, even in people aged 50-60. We need to know that these will not cause a health problem.